Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Spirit of Christmas

Today world over, many billions of people are getting ready to celebrate. As, it is preached this festival unites all people no matter to which country they belong (almost). The whole planet is gripped in “Spirit of Christmas”. This is the festivity that spreads ‘love’, ‘faith’, and GOD to all households (almost). It is the day when gifts are shared, love is shared. But, there is much that is shared besides these to Christmas and Christians in particular.

Out of many as this moment gives me the opportunity I would like to just talk about Christmas. It unites, unites countries, races, and also religions. Yes, religions. As any curious person would soon find out what Christianity is!

There is a human tendency ' I may be bad, but I will prove that you are worse '. And also another political tendency ' either you are on my side or my enemy '.

These two have been aptly used to contain power and wealth. There is nothing wrong in desiring wealth and power. But, the path that we choose should be of pure intentions. There is a word called “War” is both good and bad. If debated then there will be two answers. Good, if used to protect and bring stability for ones' own country. Bad, if it is to bring instability and capture other’s country.

In this world I would doubt any of the great wars’ were ‘Good’. In desire to occupy the whole world Alexander (the great!?) set out. But, he could not after reaching India. Every one knows that the wars’ he fought were ‘Bad’. He wanted self proclamation as the 'Ruler of World'. Had he been at least intelligent as skilled warrior he was he would have fought the war as (psuedo) ‘Good’. He used his name and confessed of his desire to capture the far off lands. Had he used a Divine Scheme to rule this world in Lords’ name may be he would have succeeded.

Firstly the Romans’, later the British used this and were successful. They unified different lands of different faiths and religions. At start, they did not do it by just saying that here is the religion that is "true" and others are "pagan". They took few things from every ‘pagan’ religion and packaged into a universally acceptable ‘product’.

There are many things to talk about this product but today only the “Christ’s Mass”.

Like any “product” this also needs to be marketed, distributed and sold. For all these you need a ‘sugar coated’ Ad. An Ad that is capable to portray the whole products versatility. But at least the Ad should be of something original rather than copy of other products Ad.

Here, the so called “pagan” celebrations are taken in and absorbed to give out a “true religion” celebration. As any other product ad says’ “Ours’ is the only product that satisfies your need’s”, but in reality this is also the same as others except for the marketing.

I searched for the celebrations’ origin and to my surprise (actually not) found out that it was like all other “features”, lifted/copied from various sources from time to time(can’t do at once!!).

Following are few local authentic festivals’ that were “absorbed” by this “True” religion.

Saturnalia, popular in Roman times, these days were meant for relaxation, feasting and gambling.

Natalis Solis Invicti was celebrated on December 25th as “the birthday of the unconquered sun”. The solar deities were worshipped on that day including “Mithras”, god of Persian origin and to whose story many historians believe was absorbed later to be called the story of Jesus’ birth.

Yule a Scandinavian festivity honoring Thor, the thunder god. Scandinavians still call Christmas JUL

Coming to the best part of Christmas is Santa Claus. It is also a character ‘fictiously’ developed to ‘cater’ to the people’s imagination of a person gifting presents. Another thing that the festivity highlights is the ‘Christmas Tree’. The oak was sacred to Greek God Zeus, as well as Druids. In ancient Rome evergreen trees were thought to have special powers. This tradition came into being just 200 years ago in England.

On the whole what ever be the sources all these are unified and is universally accepted by the people who lay slaves to the conquest of the King called “Jesus”.

Related Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas

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